Can the Imams provide Rizq?
Introduction: [al-Kafi volume 2 page 180] Imam al-Baqir says: “O' Malik, you Shi’a do not see that you perform excess in our matter? [On the opposite], just like nothing can ever fully describe Allah’s status (thus you cannot perform excess). Nothing can fully describe our status.." 6 - علي بن إبراهيم، عن محمد بن عيسى، عن يونس، عن يحيى الحلبي، عن مالك الجهني قال : قال أبو جعفر ( عليه السلام ): يا مالك أنتم شيعتنا [ أ ] لا ترى أنك تفرط في أمرنا إنه لا يقدر على صفة الله فكما لا يقدر على صفة الله كذلك لا يقدر على صفتنا وكما لا يقدر على صفتنا Our Imams have been granted a high status by Allah. As such, their status isn't easily fathomable to the human minds, as the Imam says: "nothing can fully describe our status". As long as one does not attribute divinity to the Imams, and accepts that they are slaves of Allah, then they can say whatever they want about the virtue