
Some 'Amaal of Laylat al-Qadr

Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Below is a selection of narrations from the Imams regarding a few acts commonly performed during Laylat al-Qadr. Placing the Qur'an on one's head and doing Tawassul of the A'imma: [al-Amali al-Tusi] A man came to our master al-Sadiq (upon Him be peace) and said: "O' Master, I complain to you about a debt that has seized me and a Sultan (ruler) that has oppressed me, I request from you a supplication through which I may acquire wealth, pay off my debt and relieve me of the oppression of the Sultan." So He (the Imam) said: "When the night falls, recite two units of prayer, in the first recite al-Hamd and Ayat al-Kursi, and in the second unit recite al-Hamd and from the last (verses) of al-Hashr: "If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain.." until the end of the chapter. Then,  take the Mushaf (Qur'an) and place it upon your head, and say: "By this Qur'an, and by the right o

Some 'Amaal of Laylatul Qadr

Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Below is a selection of narrations from the Imams regarding a few acts commonly performed during Laylat al-Qadr. Placing the Qur'an on one's head and doing Tawassul of the A'imma: [al-Amali al-Tusi] A man came to our master al-Sadiq (upon Him be peace) and said: "O' Master, I complain to you about a debt that has seized me and a Sultan (ruler) that has oppressed me, I request from you a supplication through which I may acquire wealth, pay off my debt and relieve me of the oppression of the Sultan." So He (the Imam) said: "When the night falls, recite two units of prayer, in the first recite al-Hamd and Ayat al-Kursi, and in the second unit recite al-Hamd and from the last (verses) of al-Hashr: "If We had sent down this Qur'an upon a mountain.." until the end of the chapter. Then, take the Mushaf (Qur'an) and place it upon your head, and say: "By this Qur'an, and by the right of

How did Imam 'Ali recite the Qur'an before its revelation?

[al-Amali al-Tusi, volume 1 page 706] Narrated Imam al-Sadiq: "al-'Abbas ibn 'Abdul Muttalib and Yazeed Bin Qa’nab were both seated in what is between a group of the Clan of Hashim to a group of Abdul 'Uzza facing the Sacred House of Allah (Ka'bah), when Fatima Bint Asad Bin Hashim, mother of the Commander of the Faithful, came, and she was expecting the Commander of the Faithful, in the ninth month, and it was the day of completion. He said, ‘I paused in front of the Sacred House (Kabah), and it was difficult upon heras, so she shot a glance towards the sky and said, ‘Yes Lord! I am a believer in You and in whatever has come from You with the Messengers and every Prophet from Your Prophets, and in every Book You have Revealed, and I am a ratifier with the speech of my grandfather 'Ibrahim the friend (of the Beneficent), and he built Your Ancient House (Kabah). I ask You by the right of this House and the one who built it, and by this new-born who is in my lap,