Who are the Ja'fariyya?

Who are the Ja'fariyya?

Hadith #1:

[al-Kafi, vol 2, page 77]

“Abu al-Sabah al-Kinani told Abi 'Abdillah [al-Sadiq]: ‘Why is it that the people are attacking us by associating us with you?!’

Abi 'Abdillah said: ‘And what is it that the people attack you on by associating you with me?’ [Abu al-Sabah] said: ‘No conversation happens between us and other men, except that they call us a “Ja'fari khabeeth”’ [i.e, ‘rotten Ja’fari’]

[Abi 'Abdillah] said: ‘They deride you by associating you with me?’

[Abu al-Sabah] said: ‘Yes’

[Abi 'Abdillah] said: ‘By Allah, indeed the ones who follow Ja’far from you are truly a small amount. My companions are only those whose piety is at a heightened state, and worked for his Creator, seeking His reward. These are my companions’.

محمد بن يحيى، عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى، عن محمد بن إسماعيل بن بزيع، عن حنان بن سدير قال: قال أبو الصباح الكناني لأبي عبد الله (عليه السلام): ما نلقى من الناس فيك؟! فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام): وما الذي تلقى من الناس في؟ فقال: لا يزال يكون بيننا وبين الرجل الكلام فيقول: جعفري خبيث، فقال: يعيركم الناس بي؟ فقال له أبو الصباح: نعم قال: فقال: ما أقل والله من يتبع جعفرا منكم، إنما أصحابي من اشتد ورعه، وعمل لخالقه، ورجا ثوابه، فهؤلاء أصحابي


Even if one receives a lot of hate from the people for being a Shi'a, one must still strive to remain firm upon the religion and be an adornment for the Imams of the Ahlulbayt.

Hadith #2:

[al-Kafi, Volume 2 page 636]

Imam al-Sadiq said:

"If one of you maintains restraint in the worldly attractions (sins) in the matters of his religion, is truthful in his words, keeps his trust, has acquired proper moral discipline to behave toward people, it will be said about him, ‘This is a Ja’fari and this will bring me joy and delight and they will say, ‘This is the discipline of Ja’far.’ 

If you do otherwise, its misfortune and disgrace will trouble me and they will say, ‘This is the behavior of Ja’far."

فإن الرجل منكم إذا ورع في دينه وصدق الحديث وأدى الأمانة وحسن خلقه مع الناس قيل: هذا جعفري، فيسرني ذلك ويدخل علي منه السرور وقيل: هذا أدب جعفر وإذا كان على غير ذلك دخل علي بلاؤه وعاره وقيل: هذا أدب جعفر


God willing, we aim to gain the satisfaction of Allah and His Messenger, and the family of the Messenger, and receive their blessings in this small endeavor.

May Allah bless you all :)



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