
Showing posts from July, 2022

Mourning Imam al-Hussain: an esoteric perspective

Introduction: Crying over Imam al-Hussain on the day of ‘Ashura is more than merely a “good deed” and certainly its meaning is more than a few tears. Upon deeper analysis one realizes the importance of this day of ‘Ashura and these tears upon the Imam, for no doubt it is an event with a divine and esoteric reality, which we aim to briefly discuss in this article God willing.  1) Mourning the Walking Qurans A) Crying over the Silent Qur’an. “When the verses of the Most Merciful were recited to them,  they fell in prostration and weeping.” (19:58) Weeping over the recitation of the Revelation of God is considered a noble practice. To weep over it’s recitation is of the acts that increases one’s faith. To contrast, the Polytheists used to laugh at the verses of the Qur’an while Allah admonished them for this. “And you laugh and do not weep.” (53:60) [al-Kafi, vol 2, page 614] Imam al-Sadiq: “The Qur’an was revealed with sadness. So recite it with sadness.” 2 -  علي   بن   إبراهيم،   عن  

‘Ali al-Asghar in the words of the Imam

[Bihar al-Anwar, volume 98 page 270] Narrated from the Nahiya (office) of Imam al-Mahdi: “Peace be upon Abdullah the son of al-Hussain, the infant baby child - the victim of the pierced arrow, drenched in his blood that has ascended to the heavens, the slaughtered who was slain in his father’s lap, the Curse of God be upon Harmala ibn al-Kahil (his killer)…” السلام   على   عبد   الله   بن   الحسين   الطفل   الرضيع،   المرمي   الصريع   المتشحط   دما   المصعد   دمه   في   السماء،   المذبوح   بالسهم   في   حجر   أبيه   لعن الله   راميه   حرملة   بن   كاهل   الأسدي   وذويه ‘Abdullah was the infant son of Imam al-Hussain, commonly referred to as ‘Ali al-Asghar. The reason I am sure that they are both the same person is because of the almost identical descriptions of both ‘Abdullah and ‘Ali al-Asghar, and that both were killed by a poisoned arrow by the cursed hands of Harmala, and both martyred in the lap of their father. This is how one can conclude it is the same person with different des