
Showing posts from June, 2022

"Nous [les Ahl Al-Bayt] sommes les Noms de Dieu !"

[The Following Article is written by an honorary and knowledgeable brother, ‘Abd al-Wali] Grâce au nom d'Allah, le Très-Miséricordieux, le Tout-Miséricordieux الإمام عليّ عليه السّلام:  لا تَجْعَلْنِي يَا إِلَهِي مِمَن يَعْبُدُ الاِسْمَ دُونَ المَعْنَى... بحار الأنوار ج91 L'Imam Ali (que la paix soit sur lui) dit : "…Ne fais pas de moi, ô mon Dieu, quelqu’un qui adore le nom sans le sens…" al-Bihar, volume 91 La question que pose cette invocation de notre Maître (que la paix soit sur lui) est celle de ce qui est adoré lors de l'adoration Dans ses Ousoul al-Kafi, shaykh al-Kolayni (que Dieu lui fasse miséricorde) rapporte plusieurs hadiths à ce sujet dans un chapitre de son Livre de l'unicité intitulé "qu'est-ce qui est adoré ?" Voici le premier d'entre eux, attribué à Abu Abdallah Al-Sadiq (que la paix soit sur lui) : "Qui adore Dieu en étant à moitié certain, ou moins que cela, de Son Existence a vraiment mécru. Qui ador

The Names of Allah: Chapter 2

Ma’rifa Chapter 2 [The Following Article is written by an honorary and knowledgeable brother, ‘Abd al-Wali] In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. [Bihar al-Anwar, volume 91] Imam ‘Ali (upon him be peace) said: "...Do not make me, O’ my God, one who worships the name without the meaning..." الإمام   عليّ   عليه   السّلام :  لا   تَجْعَلْنِي   يَا   إِلَهِي   مِمَن   يَعْبُدُ   الاِسْمَ   دُونَ   المَعْنَى ... بحار   الأنوار   ج 91 The question that this invocation of our Master (peace be upon him) raises is what is worshipped in the worship of Allah, the Exalted. Shaykh al-Kulayni (may God have mercy on him) relates several hadiths on this subject in a chapter of his Book of Oneness entitled "what is worshipped?" Here is the first of them, from Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (peace be upon him): "Whoever worships God while being half certain, or less than that, of His Existence has truly disbelieved. Whoever worships the Names without their Meaning

False Claimants

False Claimants [al-Ghayba al-Nu’mani, Vol. 1 page 152] al-Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar (peace be upon him) had said: I heard the Sheikh-he meant Abu ‘Abdullah al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) – saying: “Beware of allusion! By Allah, He (Imam al-Mahdi) will be hidden (by the will of Allah) for a period of time and he will be ignored until it will be said that he has died, perished or be lost in an unknown valley. The eyes of the believers will shed a lot of tears for him. Turning over will occur as a ship in a rough sea.  No one will be saved except those, whom Allah has promised, fixed faith in their hearts and assisted with His mercy. Twelve suspicious banners will be raised, none of which will be distinguished from each other.” I began to cry and then I asked him: “What will we do then?” He (a) looked at a ray of the sun shining into the shed and said to me: “O’ Abu Abdullah (al-Mufaddal), do you see this sun?” I said: “Yes, I do.” He (a) said: “By Allah, our matter is clearer than this sun.” عن

3 Sahih chains on the Attack on al-Zahra’a (a)?

  3 Sahih chains on the attack on al-Zahra’a? Introduction: A popular contention towards the attack on al-Zahra’a (upon her be peace) is that the Shi’a do not have a single authentic report by chain that mentions this event, thus casting doubt on it. I’d like to tackle this in four parts. Part A Subjective Authenticity: As we know, ‘Ilm al-Rijal and Chain-based authentication can very much be subjective, since different Rijal scholars differ with each other in their understanding of narrators and their narrations. Ayatollah Wahid Behbehani (d.1791) points this reality out : [al-Fawa’ed al-Rijaliya page 38] ( ومنها )  قولهم :  كان   من   اهل   الطيارة   ومن   اهل   الارتفاع   وأمثالهما   والمراد   انه   كان   غاليا  ( اعلم )  ان   الظاهر   أن   كثيرا   من   القدماء   سيما   القيمين منهم  ( والغضائري )  كانوا   يعتقدون   للائمة   عليهم   السلام   منزلة   خاصة   من   الرفعة   والجلالة   ومرتبة   معينة   من   العصمة   والكمال   بحسب   اجتهادهم ورأيهم   وما   كانوا   يجوزون   التعدي   عنها