
Showing posts from April, 2022

Azadari of Imam al-Hussain in the words of the Imams

When I was younger, I always wondered whether the rituals and practices of the blessed Azadari (Lamentation) of Imam al-Hussain (A) were from the commands of the Imams of the Ahlulbayt or if they were innovations in the community. These doubts existed in my mind due to the influence from other schools in Islam, and no doubt today many go through similar doubts.  In this article I aim to provide hadith basis on some of the popular rituals performed worldwide by the Shi’a in mourning Imam al-Hussain (A), and hopefully clarify any doubt any one may have had. 1) Crying over Imam al-Hussain: [Kamil al-Ziyarat page 202] Abu ‘Abdullah al-Sadiq said : ‘Those who shed tears when al-Hussain (A) is mentioned in front of them will be rewarded by Allah,  even if their tears are as small as the wing of a fly. And Allah will not be pleased with any reward for them less than Paradise.’” وحدثني   محمد   بن   جعفر   الرزاز،   عن   خاله   محمد   بن   الحسين   الزيات،   عن   محمد   بن   إسماعيل،   عن   صا