
Showing posts from August, 2022

Can the Imams provide Rizq?

Introduction: [al-Kafi volume 2 page 180] Imam al-Baqir says: “O' Malik, you Shi’a do not see that you perform excess in our matter? [On the opposite], just like nothing can ever fully describe Allah’s status (thus you cannot perform excess).  Nothing can fully describe our status.." 6 -  علي   بن   إبراهيم،   عن   محمد   بن   عيسى،   عن   يونس،   عن   يحيى   الحلبي،   عن   مالك   الجهني   قال :  قال   أبو   جعفر  ( عليه   السلام ):  يا   مالك   أنتم شيعتنا  [ أ ]  لا   ترى   أنك   تفرط   في   أمرنا   إنه   لا   يقدر   على   صفة   الله   فكما   لا   يقدر   على   صفة   الله   كذلك   لا   يقدر   على   صفتنا   وكما   لا   يقدر   على صفتنا   Our Imams have been granted a high status by Allah. As such, their status isn't easily fathomable to the human minds, as the Imam says:  "nothing can fully describe our status". As long as one does not attribute divinity to the Imams, and accepts that they are slaves of Allah, then they can say whatever they want about the virtue

The Muqassir is our Enemy

Narration #1 [Awalim al-‘Uloom, Volume 5, page 60-61] Imam al-Sadiq tells al-Mufaddal ibn ‘Umar: O’ Mufaddal, the Nawasib are your enemies, and the Muqassira are our enemies. The Nawasib demand from you that you place Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, and Uthman ahead of us while they know nothing of our virtues. As for the Muqassira, they denounce whom I mentioned, and they recognize our virtues and rights, but they denied all of this and renounced it, and they [the Muqassira] said: “ This is not for them [the virtues and merits of the Imams] because they are [the Imams] humans like us.” It is true that we [the Imams] are humans like them [outwardly] but God gave us [the Imams] Tawfeedh regarding commands and prohibitions. We do everything by the permission of God.” يا   مفضّل،   النّاصبةُ   أعداؤكم   والمُقَصِّرةُ   أعداؤنا،   لإنّ   الناّصبة   تُطالبكم   أن   تقدّموا   علينا   أبا   بكر   وعُمر   وعثمان   ولا   يعرفوا   من   فضلنا   شيئاً، والمُقَصِّرة   قد   وافقوكم   على   البراءة   ممّن   ذكرنا  

The Great Kingdom : Chapter 3

Introduction: Different groups of Shi’as view the status of the Imams differently. Some see them as mere rulers and scholars, some as kings, some even go as far as saying it is permissible to call them “Lords” (arbaab) as long as the lordship is dependent on Allah. But what is the Imam’s true status? The Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt are caretakers of the Earth, and the masters of the world. Thus making them deserving of owning everything in it. [al-Kafi, Volume 1, page 407] ‘Abu Khalid al-Kabuli (bab of Imam al-Sajjad) from Abu Ja’far (al-Baqir) who said: “We found in the book of the Commander of the Faithful (‘Ali) this: “The earth belongs to Allah and He gives it in inheritance to whoever of His servants that He wishes. The good end is for those who are pious before Allah’,  I and my Ahl al-Bayt are the people to whom Allah has given the earth in inheritance and we are the ones who are pious before Allah. The whole earth belongs to us....” محمد   بن   يحيى،   عن   أحمد   بن   محمد   بن