The Arba'een Walk

 The Arba’een Walk

[Kamil al-Ziyarat, Page 255]

I heard Abu ‘Abdillah (al-Sadiq) say: 

“Allah will register one thousand good deeds and erase one thousand bad deeds for every step taken by those who go to the Ziyarah of the grave of al-Hussain on foot. He will also increase their status one thousand times (for every step taken). When you arrive at the Euphrates, perform Ghusl, carry your shoes, and walk barefoot like a humble slave. Once you arrive at the door of the Shrine, recite Takbir four times. Then walk a little and repeat this four more times. Then approach the location close to his head, stand there and repeat it four more times. Establish prayers next to his grave and ask Allah for your needs.”

قالسمعت أبا عبد الله (عليه السلاموهو يقول:

من أتى قبر الحسين (عليه السلامماشيا كتب الله له بكل خطوة الف حسنة ومحا عنه الف سيئة ورفع له الف درجة.

فإذا اتيت الفرات فاغتسل وعلق نعليك وامش حافيا، وامش مشي العبد الذليل، فإذا اتيت باب الحائر فكبر أربعا، ثم امش قليلا ثم كبر أربعا،ثم ائت رأسه فقف عليه فكبر أربعا وصل عنده، واسأل الله حاجتك

There are several similar narrations reported from various chains within Kamil al-Ziyarat as well as other books, such as Thawab al-‘Amaal by Sheikh al-Saduq:

ثواب الأعمالابن المتوكل، عن محمد العطار، عن الأشعري، عن الحسين بن عبيد الله، عن ابن أبي عثمان، عن عبد الجبار النهاوندي، عنأبي سعيد، عن الحسين بن ثوير بن أبي فاختة قالقال أبو عبد الله عليه السلاميا حسين إنه من خرج من منزله يريد زيارة قبر الحسين بنعلي عليهما السلام إن كان ماشيا " كتبت له بكل خطوة حسنة ومحا عنه سيئة، وإن كان راكبا " كتبت له بكل خطوة حسنة وحط بها عنهسيئة حتى إذا صار في الحير كتبه الله من المفلحين المنجحين، حتى إذا قضى مناسكه كتبه الله من الفائزين حتى إذا أراد الانصراف أتاهملك فقال لهإن رسول الله يقرئك السلام ويقول لكاستأنف العمل فقد غفر الله لك ما مضى (1).

These narrations emphasize on walking towards the grave of Imam al-Hussain by foot/barefooted. Although these are talking about general Ziyarat, they give basis to the walk of Arba’een, performed annually from Najaf to Karbala.

Thus, the signficance of walking towards the grave of Imam al-Hussain has strong scriptural basis.


This is not considered an innovation (Bid'ah) in religion, since an innovation is defined by the Imams as an act that opposes the command of the Ahlulbayt.

For example, if someone were to revive an abrogated command, such as the punishment of a woman for adultery being confinement to her house until her death, and claim this is a part of religion, it would become innovation, since Allah had forbidden that act.

The Ziyarat of Arba'een is very much in accordance with the words of the Imams and thus would not come under the category of innovation, rather it would be an act of blessing.

Note: For more information on the basis of Ziyarat al-Arbaeen in our narrations, see: Ziyarat al-Arba’een

For more information on how the reward of a Ziyarah can be so high, even greater than Hajj, see my article here: Ziyarah to Karbala - More Virtuous than Hajj?

May Allah bless us all with the Ziyarah of Imam al-Hussain.

Wa Allahu 'Aalam.


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